Apologetics Canada Seminar – ‘Origins in Question: Defending Biblical Creation with Grace and Truth’ – Please put this date in your calendar: Sunday, April 27 (4–6 PM) at Eaglemont Church [main auditorium] with Dr. Ted Fenske, an Edmonton cardiologist from Apologetics Canada.

 Dr. Fenske writes: “Evolution is widely regarded in our culture as the mechanism for the origin of all life and diversity. In this seminar, we will first explore the worldview that underpins evolution by contrasting it to the Biblical worldview and then discuss an approach for defending Biblical creation in a winsome fashion that is both faithful to scripture and intellectually compelling.”

 This exciting opportunity is for everyone in our church family, of any age. Parents of students in grades 5-12, we especially encourage you to bring your students. An equipping opportunity like this is just so vital! We strongly urge you to make this seminar a high priority. There will be a Q & A as well.

Childcare will be available for children from age 2 to grade 4.  Please fill out the form below to register for childcare. Please note that registration for childcare will be available only until noon Thursday, April 24. Please drop off your children downstairs in the children's ministry area. There will be a basket for cash donations for the childcare workers if you would like to donate towards the childcare.

Check out the Apologetics Canada website at https://apologeticscanada.com/ and Ted’s speaker profile at https://apologeticscanada.com/2023/05/04/ted-fenske/