Knowing God happens as we learn what it means to be spiritual “self-feeders”. The cultivation of our relationship with God consists of a variety of spiritual exercises, like prayer and Bible meditation, which make genuine and deep spiritual growth possible. There’s nothing more important to our spiritual health than prayerful time spent in God’s Word.

Here are several downloadable Bible reading plans to help you spend meaningful, consistent times studying God’s Word. Choose one that works for you.

Click on the titles below to visit websites that you may find helpful in your spiritual journey.

Apologetics Canada

Online Bible: Bible Gateway

Online Bible study helps: My Study Bible

Christian family resources: Focus on the Family

Spiritual growth & sharing your faith: Power to Change

Great Bible teaching resources:

The Bible Project (Youtube Videos) 

Desiring God

Money help: Dave Ramsey

Movie/music reviews for families: Plugged In

Questions about God, Scripture, Salvation, etc: