Have you every wondered why Jesus had to die?
Did you know that if you disconnect from the local church, you are not living out your life as a Christ-follower in the way that Jesus intends you to and hopes you will?
When is the last time you used the words ‘atonement’ or ‘wrath’ in a sentence? Maybe never.
Are you willing to be intentional about preparing for something as important as sharing about the hope that Jesus gives you?
How could you share this truth with a seeking friend?
Why not have your ‘Passion Week’ enriched by a daily devotional reading on the ‘Passion of Christ’ theme?
Why did Jesus have to die?
Are you prepared to invest the time and study to prepare yourself for the most important conversations you could possibly have?
Is it possible to use Halloween evening in a redeeming way?
Jesus calls His followers to a life of full commitment. Are you ready for that?
Don’t separate your time with God from the rest of your life; live with God in every moment.
There’s no ‘thriving’ in our Christian experience without a deep commitment to the body of Christ.
As an older Christ-follower, how might God want you to interact with someone from a younger generation to draw them closer to Christ?
There needs to be time in life to slow down and reflect. I hope you find some time this summer to do this important work.
Who decided what to include in our Bible, and how did they decide?
Are you listening well?
For Christ-followers, is their ‘best life’ really in the here and now?
Really, are these things actually that spiritually dangerous?
Denying ourselves doesn’t sound fun but it’s the path to truly following in Christ.