In February and March of this year (2023) we did an eight-week message series on ‘What is a Disciple?’ The message titles in that series were eight characteristics of a true apprentice of Jesus that our pastors and Pastor’s Council leadership teams came up with from what we see in the New Testament regarding what it means to live the committed life. These characteristics are:
Growing Intimacy with God
Developing Christ-Like Character
Building Healthy Relationships
Engaging with the Bible
Obeying God
Exercising Faith
Sharing Christ
Living Generously
If you missed that message series, or want to listen again go to Eaglemont Christian Church YouTube channel and begin to watch.
I share the following blog with you, from author & pastor James Emery White, and I ask you to read it with a very open heart so you can posture yourself toward hearing the call of Jesus to follow Him truly and fully. There is no other way to life!