Christian Foundations Course

Whether you have just started a life with Jesus or have been a Christ follower for years, this 5-week course will help you to dig deep into unpacking and understanding some of the most important teachings and questions of the Christian Faith. Each week has a specific focus of study that we look at together in a group environment. 

The topics for the 5 weeks are:
1) Who is God? Looking at His Nature, Character, & Attributes
2) The Bible – How was it made, How can we know it’s God’s inspired word, and how do we use it
3) Who Is Jesus? His life, nature, message, and mission, as well as our need for Him
4) Sin & It’s Effects on the World
5) The doctrine of salvation and the work of the cross

The classes will be running on the following Wednesday evenings at 7pm - March 19, 26; April 9, 16, 23.

Click below to the link below to register