Our Mission & Goals



This year our focus at Eaglemont is to dive deeper in our time with God, we are calling this The 3x5 Challenge.

2025 3 x 5 Challenge:  Bible Engagement; Prayer; Listening

  • 5 minutes of BIBLE engagement

  • 5 minutes of PRAYER

  • 5 minutes to LISTEN

We hope that you engage with us in this challenge. Pick up a 3x5 bookmark at the back table on Sunday mornings! For more info click the 3x5 button below.

For a resource to help you along this journey click below!

SIMPLE CHURCH – Ideally, ‘Simple Church’ is:

➢  Focused and streamlined – In church life it can easily be that there are not enough volunteers to fill all the leadership and ministry positions necessary to run the ‘machine’ of an over-programmed church. ‘Simple church’ does not mean we are not busy, but it should mean uncluttered and balanced. It should mean we are busy advancing focused priorities.

➢  More about relationships than programs – Obviously, some structure and programming is necessary, but church environments can become places where people become more focused on DOING church rather than growing at BEING the church. Obviously being will result in meaningful and purposeful doing but the top priority is being, which speaks of the priority of relationships – with God and others.

➢  Being willing to say “No” to good things – This is not easy, but is sometimes necessary to experience the best things. The more we add to church program options, the more we contribute to the diluting of our resources, focus, and effectiveness.

➢  Not easy – Actually, it can take more effort to stay ‘simple’ and focused as a church moves forward with a desire to have increased influence and effectiveness! In the book, ‘Simple Church’, Rainer & Geiger say: “There is a big difference between simple and easy. Simple is basic, uncomplicated, and fundamental. Easy is effortless.”

➢  Sustainable (with fewer Christian casualties) – Every church must decide whether to try to meet every need they see or be more focused and endeavour to do fewer things with the goal of maximum impact, by God’s grace. We believe this approach to be more sustainable for the health of our church body.