Serving Locally — Eaglemont Christian Church

Eaglemont Church intentionally supports ‘mission’ endeavours outside our own church, in our region and nation. We want to be a church that serves our community. We want to build the reputation of Jesus by serving in our city and region, no strings attached, in various ways. We also recognize that everyone has talents and gifts that can be used by participating in local events and showing God’s love that way. We recognize that being an influence for God stretches beyond Eaglemont’s opportunities, so whether you are a soccer coach or participate in a local mom’s group we believe that wherever you are, you are representing God’s love to people in our broader community.

Albert Schweitzer said: “See if there is not some place where you may invest your humanity. You don’t live in a world alone… even if it’s a little thing, do something for others – something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.”