The Church was God’s Idea (So It Must Be Important For Us)

The ‘church’ is not a building, it’s not an institution, it’s not a denomination. It’s a group of people who have made the commitment to follow Jesus and are on a journey of growing in relationship with God and with other Christ-followers. It’s abundantly clear in the New Testament that when we make a personal commitment of our life to Christ, God places us in His church. God intends that our personal decision becomes an experience in community. The church is God’s idea, and that should be enough to draw every Christ-follower into strong commitment to it (Acts 2:41).

We are in a season of church history (at least in North America), where a re-focusing on the importance of believers being committed to gathering regularly together is needed. There are many good and biblical reasons for this:

Ø We were designed for relationship and fellowship.

Ø Other believers play an important role in our own growth as Christ-followers.

Ø Every Christ-follower can benefit from interaction with people who are different than they are.

Ø You need a Church because life will get tough.

Ø The hope of the world depends on the church’s collective mission of sharing the gospel.

Ø Engage with God’s church is the only way to experience the power and beauty of unity.

Ø Being a part of a healthy church community provides spiritual protection for us.

So, since, in the New Testament, the life of every Christ-follower is set in the context of close community with other Christ-followers, it’s very sad when someone says, “I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian.” Pastor Jared Ellis of E2 Church put it well when he said, “You’re right, you don’t need to go to church to be a Christian. But you don’t need to live in your home with your wife to be married, technically; but the longer you stay away, the worse your connection with her is going to get.”

I ask and encourage you to commit (or re-commit) to cultivating the habit of connecting consistently in the Sunday gathering if that’s not a habit for you at this point in your spiritual life. It’s God-honouring. It’s strength-giving in your relationship with Jesus. It’s also uplifting for others in your church family as you allow God to use you to be an encouragement to them.

Be sure to engage with our three-week Sunday message series on this same topic. We’re calling it: ‘Why You Need a Church’ (September 10, 24 & October 1). Click here to engage online if you’re not able to join us in-person: Church Online [and if that’s not possible on a given week, you can engage at some later time on our Eaglemont Christian Church YouTube channel].
